Welcome to Life and Peace International Foundation.

We strive to contribute to the socio-economic development of underprivileged population groups, both individually and for the entire community.

About us

More about Life International.

We have built a school in Ilogbo, Nigeria where
a foundation is laid for the training of honest leaders. This school is in
started in September 2017 and the number of students is growing every year.

Our work

Development aid

Wij hebben een school gebouwd in Ilogbo, Nigeria waar fundament wordt gelegd voor het opleiden van integere leiders. Deze school is in september 2017 van start gegaan en groeit elk jaar in het aantal leerlingen.

Bible Academy

At our Amsterdam Bible Academy, immigrant church leaders are trained to become honest and competent leaders.


We organize various seminars on marriage, parenting, personal growth and development.

Our partners